Tuesday 2 October 2012

BBQ & Tuna Pizza

It has been a few years since I last bake a pizza. So a few months ago, I decided to make 2 pizzas because 1 is not enough for everyone at home. This time I decided to use another recipe for the base which use olive oil....

Tuna Pizza

BBQ Chicken Pizza

The base using olive oil is drier than those using butter or margarine. Since I didn't made pizza for quite sometime, I kept having this feeling that I miss out something but couldn't figure out what it is. Only when I was having the last bite of a piece of pizza that I realised I forgotten to put the tomato paste. But everyone is happily eating their pizza and nobody's complaining, so I'm safe....

As for the recipe, I think I have misplace it......can't remember where I kept after doing the pizza...'sigh'......

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